The film/tv crew were all wonderful and lovely people, professional and in all honestly we (Sarah, Eve and me) really enjoyed the experience!

Before I get into talking about today, thank you for all your kind words of support you send us this morning (on social media), it definitely helped calm my nerves and it was for Eve to know people were thinking of her!

The whole recording process was very slick and we never felt ‘overwhelmed’ even through the recording equipment was huge could have easily been overwhelming.

Eve had a small wobble at one point but nothing major, it was actually me that had the biggest wobble…

For some reason Igot really updet whilst talking to the camera about when Eve was in hospital with her tumour and Sarahwas recoeving her canter treatment. Although I’ve spoken about it before without getting emotional, but it felt different this time. I don’t know why.

If they include that ‘bit’ it in the documentary and we’re allowed to show you, you might see my emotional wobble instead of just reading about it 😢🫣

Getting set up for the ‘interview’ before er started walking
Getting set up for the ‘interview’ before er started walking

Anyway, more of today’s hiking...WE FINISHED THE CLYDE WALKWAY and the last section was truly epic and steeped in history.

Back first back to last night…Sleeping in the campervan was awesome. It felt so unbelievably nice being back out in it and using it. Eve was absolutely loving it and was very excitable!

We slept in the car park at New Lanark World Heritage Site buying a ticket for 24 hours that allows you stay there overnight. It worked brilliantly as we were ready for the film crew to turn up.

Our camping spot for the night at the carpark of New Lanark
Our camping spot for the night at the carpark of New Lanark

We had a lazy morning as we had agreed to meet about 11 am. We got dressed walking down into Lanark Mill and got a coffee from the cafe to await their arrival 😬

Sitting in the New Lanark cafe waiting for the recording crew to arrive
Sitting in the New Lanark cafe waiting for the recording crew to arrive

They arrived and introduced themselves. We had already seen pictures of them to help Eve so she had an idea of who was turning up.

They set up the recording equipment outside as they wanted to do an interview with me before we set off walking the last section of the trail.

Getting mic’ed up...
Getting mic’ed up...

For those who do not know, New Lanark is truly an awe inspiring place, steeped in history and a UNESCO World heritage site. I can’t think of many places better suited to be filmed at.

The only dampener was the sky was grey and dismal with rain in the air. It didn’t amount to much, but it was enough to give concern to the film crew with tens of thousands of pounds worth of filming equipment.

The interview was hard, as I was being filmed alone (Eve didn’t want to be part of the interview) with people walking past, watching and taking pictures. I tried to ignore them and just focus on what I was doing. It was tough but afterwards l did feel really good about myself achieving something totally out of my comfort zone. I would happily do it again and I am actually looking forward to the opportunity of talking about what we are doing and how we are doing it.

Getting enthusiastic whilst getting recorded
Getting enthusiastic whilst getting recorded

We only had a few miles to complete todays walk in total. I say in total because it was only about 2 miles to the end of the Clyde Walkway, but you also had to walk the 2 miles back again. Still only 4 miles to complete but with the film crew it still took hours, but it was good and as I said we would happily do it again. One of the best things was Sarah hiked the last section with us to give Eve some support whilst being recorded.

Eve and Sarah walking together and talking... It was so nice ti havr Sarah with is and definatly helped Eve (and me) a lot
Eve and Sarah walking together and talking... It was so nice ti havr Sarah with is and definatly helped Eve (and me) a lot
Mumny and daughter
Mumny and daughter

We set off walking after the interview heading up to the Falls of Clyde. Whilst walking the film crew followed us and gave us a few requests such as filming us walking past the camera or to stand looking at something etc. It made the walk really interesting. As the film crew were not on top of us, I think that helped Eve a lot. She did absolutely amazing!

Being recorded as we walked together...
Being recorded as we walked together...

What surprised us the most, is Eve agreed, after initially refusing, to wear a microphone. Not only that but Eve soon forgot she was wearing it, and we had some fairly typical conversations and educational discussions that I’m looking forward to seeing how they use in the first edit, if they chose to use it.

I am so excited about the video and to try and give you and anybody who wants to watch it a better insight into us and what we do, and at times just how difficult it actually is on a daily basis. After all what we do isn’t all beautifully posed images of perfection, most of the time it’s sheer hard work.

The final section of the Clyde Walkway was absolutely magnificent with its waterfalls and rock formations, walking over soft woodland trails, boardwalks and reading information plaques on the area and wildlife.

The Falls of Clyde are made up of a series of falls, all magnificent, stuning and vety accessible
The Falls of Clyde are made up of a series of falls, all magnificent, stuning and vety accessible

This section of the Clyde was used as an escape route for William Wallace! I personally found that really interesting but Eve and Sarah didn’t really share in my historic excitement.

The actual end of the Clyde Walkway is an anticlimax. I fully understand why it’s where it is, but the end is just a bridge over the Clyde. The end would be so much more spectacular if it was at a viewpoint a few metres back up the trail.

The bridge at the end of the Clyde Walkway
The bridge at the end of the Clyde Walkway

At the end Eve, Sarah and I walked back on our own whilst the film crew did some more recording of the the area for use in the documentary.

Overlooking New Lanark on our way back
Overlooking New Lanark on our way back

We all met up in the cafe at New Lanark and signed several forms for allow them to use the recording especially as Eve is a child.

The drive home was good, although we were all exhausted but excited with some adrenaline still in our systems. It was such an incredible experience and we can’t thank Ami, Alexandra, Alex and Brooke enough for how awesome they all were today and how well they all treated Sarah, Eve and me including when I had my emotional wobble on camera! They even let Eve hold the camera!

We have come home for the night because Eve is insisting on going to Brownies tomorrow, or we would have driven straight to our next great trail.

Tomorrow after Brownies we are driving down to The Mull of Galloway to start another one of Scotland Great Trails and the plan is we (Eve and I) will not return home until this one is complete.

That’s is from us this evening. As soon as I know if we are allowed to publish the documentary trailer I will let you know and let you see it.

We are all so excited to see what they produce!

Ian and Eve standing on the bridge at the end of the Clyde Walkway with the Falls of Clyde behind us
Ian and Eve standing on the bridge at the end of the Clyde Walkway with the Falls of Clyde behind us

Another trail done, Mull of Galloway Trail here we come, and we can’t wait!